Linka Rasmussen, Fine Artist, Mom of three and all round creative genius
Linka Rasmussen is a beautiful mom of three, incredibly talented artist, and all round creative genius. Based on the North Coast of KZN.
We spent a little time photographing Linka in her beautiful home based studio, with some of her works in progress, chatting about her dreams and inspirations for her work.
Photographed by the wonderful Erin from Light and Lark photography.
Linka shares with us some of what inspires and motivates her, her artistic style and how she got to where she is.
Tell us about your journey to becoming an artist?
"For as long as I can remember I have always been drawn to visual art and in that sense, I have always felt like an artist. Drawing and painting from a young age then more professionally during later school years. When it came to studies, I opted to study architecture since I understood this as the most disciplined of the arts. I excelled in Architecture and so thought to pursue the career for a while, all while knowing my desire to break off into full time painting. After four years in the corporate world the time came to pursue my dreams and become a full-time artist. My first and second paintings sold instantly and that gave me the encouragement needed. I continued to work on a solo exhibition later that year as a sense of becoming. All the paintings sold from this exhibition, and I was on my way."
Who and what inspires you?
"The ocean and coastline have been the constant landscape of my upbringing. I feel most alive and inspired when near the sea. At times this theme spilled onto the canvas into paintings of waves and shoreline. At other times that inspiration fueled figure studies, still lives and landscapes. The theme often came second to the composition, shadows and colors of the subject matter. I love to paint in rich earthy tones of umber, sienna and deep greens, contrasting this with my love for ocean and blue."
What is your dream for your work and your career?
"Right now, I feel as though I am living my dream. Painting every day and seeing my work evolve into more than I planned is a privilege. I feel very blessed to be on this journey and enjoy seeing where it takes me. I try not to burden myself with aspirations and goals, but rather push myself daily to work hard. My work is in a constant state of surrender. I focus on my faith, family and allow my painting to be an overflow expression of life and me. I love to exhibit my work and will be working toward more exhibitions and collaborations in the future. The 2024 launch of my online shop has also been a wonderful addition."
Give us a glimpse into your creative process.
"My creative process normally begins with a theme that inspires me. I start working with a series of works in mind and allow that golden thread to evolve. I will have three to four paintings going and any given time and once that thought or theme is exhausted, I will begin again. I hold everything lightly. If inspired to paint outside of the theme I allow for sudden bursts of inspiration, always returning to the theme at hand. What I love most about the creative process is the journey it takes you on. I often understand the beginning, but the process and outcome is a mystery to me until the end."
Has becoming a mother changed your approach to your art?
"Yes! To work faster! I'm only kidding, but yes, in many ways my work ethic has evolved since becoming a mother. Motherhood is the unraveling of self. Your life becomes a beautiful sacrifice of serving and nurturing. My work has often been a moment to gather myself, however the unraveling has liberated my work to be more expressive and joyful in the process resulting in painting of more depth. I believe the becoming of motherhood has influenced my work greatly and in all the right ways. I love the nature of my work and seeing my young children grow in a creative environment further motivates my work. I love what I do and hope that that inspires my children to be true to themselves and live creatively in any field."
You can get in touch with Linka for commissions, have a look at her recent work and all she gets up to on her instagram page @linkarasmussenart.
Her newly launched website also has plenty stunning prints available,